Epica- "Divine Conspiracy" (Didn't like Simmone Simmon's voice the first time I heard her sing but the second time something changed and I really like it now. Good symphonic/gothic metal. I think it's better than Nightwish, if you were to compare these two bands.)
Epica- "Design Your Universe" (Another good epic album.)

Finally got Nile's new cd "At the Gates of Sethu". It's right up there with their previous releases but not better than my favorite "Annihilation of the Wicked"
Anthrax- "Among the Living" (Classic thrash that I'm glad to finally own. It's not my favorite but still pretty good.)
Anthrax- "Spreading the Disease" (Another good Anthrax cd. Most of the songs on here are pretty good.)
Grave Digger- "The Clans will Rise" (German power metal that sings about Irish highlands. They've been around forever and I thought I was about time I give them a listen. This cd has some memorable riffs that I like. Other than that it's so-so.)
Hammerfall- "Glory to the Brave" (More cheesy power metal. Give it a listen if you like fantasy inspired lyrics like me. A little fact for ya, the drummer was Jasper Stromblad before he left to form In Flames, a totally different sounding band.)
Hammerfall- "Legacy of Kings"
Testament- "Dark Roots of Earth"- (Well it's finally here. That's pretty much all I have to say about it I'm sad to put. It's not bad at all just mediocre. I really don't know why people keep saying this album could be album of the year. Nothing on this cd really hits me in the face as something amazing. I got the special edition with bonus cover tracks of a Queen, Scorpion, and Iron Maiden songs. The Maiden track, "Powerslave", was the best track on the disc.)
Iron Maiden- "Ed Hunter" (Here's a jewel for ya. Found this used and had to get it! It's two cds of Maiden's greatest hits up till 1998 plus a computer game called "Ed Hunter". Now because this game is so old my fancy computer can't run it but I'm just happy to have something like that in my collection.)
Black Sabbath- "Heaven and Hell" (Ever since I got this cd I haven't been able to stop listening to it! The sound is so soft and smooth sounding. Dio's voice makes it sound even better. In my humble opinion I think this is the best Sabbath record. I cannot say enough good about this album. Just go buy it and you'll understand.)
Exciter- "Violence and Force"- (Just some good old under produced thrash! This album has a very different sound to it and I think I'll leave it at that.)
Megadeth- "So Far, So Good...So What?" (The album before "Rust" and after "Peace". Whenever I think about the Megadeth discography I seem to skip over this one. It's got Dave's handiwork on it so of course it's good it just wasn't very memorable for me.)
Assaulter- "Salvation like Destruction" (F.Y.E. was running a special, buy 2 get the 3rd free. I couldn't find a used cd I wanted so I took a chance and picked this one. I thought I couldn't hurt because it's free. I get home to find out its black/thrash metal. As soon as I heard the opening I just knew that it was black metal. After 30 seconds into the first track I stopped ripping it to my pc and put it on my shelf. Haha I'll probably never get it out again. In case you're wondering, I can't stand black metal, the vocal style is what turns me off.)
Arch Enemy- "Rise of a Tyrant" (Holy crap this band has the manliest singer ever! Haha I really dig the dual Iron Maiden-esc guitars as they accompany Angela's viscous vocal assault. I still find it hard to believe that voice comes from her. It's so terrifying. I usually don't like it when girls scream/growl, but she knows how to pull it off and sound manly about it. Looking forward to picking up some of their other stuff.)
Anthrax- "We've Come for You All" (I purely picked this album up because it was $21 on amazon and $7 at F.Y.E. Luckily it's good! Nothing like their older stuff but still just as good.)
Epica- "Requiem for the Indifferent" (Just had to finish getting all the newest releases from this awesome band. This 2011 release is no disappointment, although at some spots the songs feel like they were just being made to fill in this record. If you really like this type of music of course you'll like it but if you're half heatedly into it I'd say pass.)
Rhapsody of Fire- "The Frozen Tears of Angels" ( Freaking epic fantasy inspired power metal. It's a conception album, I believe, complete with actors from Lord of the Rings lending their voices to add to the atmosphere. This album and "Nightfall in Middle Earth" really create a picture you can visualize and an experience that not very many other albums can replicate. To add this guitar work is incredible. I will be on the look out for more of this bands cds.)
Iced Earth- "Festivals of the Wicked" dvd (Just a nice collection of live performances with Tim "Ripper" Owens on vocals then Matt Barlow. It really would be interesting to have a poll and see which Iced Earth vocalist everybody thinks is the best. For me it's Stu Block their new vocalist but I haven't heard any singer before Owens so my view is limited.)
Necrophagist- "Onset of Putrefaction" (NO, I don't know when his new album is coming out. Sorry just had to say that. Anyways its Necrophagist, what more do I need to say? Brutal, technical, brutal, technical, I think you get the point. I'm just happy I found this. It's been awhile since I picked up a death metal cd and this day made up for that.)
Origin- "Antitheses" (Another cd I'm glad I finally found. Another extremely brutally technically technical band. I sure do love my technicality.)
Dream Theater- "Change of Seasons" (First DT I've bought in awhile. Its a collection of covers besides the 23 min opening track. I like it but then again I'll buy anything Dream Theater puts out.)
Queensryche- "Operation: Mindcrime 1 and 2" dvd (I like Queensryche musically. That being said I disagree with their political standing which was made evident with the opening of this performance. After the first two songs I put the dvd away and got out my Iced Earth dvd and watched some more patriotic metal.)
Opeth- "Deliverance" (Nice amazing progressive death metal.)
Opeth- "Damnation" (Very different, almost like "Heritage". These songs have a more somber mood. This entire album lacks any rough vocals, but it's still very Opeth-y. I like to call these songs "rainy day songs" if you know what I mean. After I bought these cds I realized how much Opeth I have. 5 to be exact, these two, "Ghost Reveries", "Watershed", and "Heritage", GR being my favorite. I hit me that I must really like Opeth, and the more I thought about it the more I agreed with myself, Opeth is an amazing band. They create brutal music but in such a beautiful way. The amount of sophistication they put in their music is amazing. When you get an Opeth record you can put it on and let it play in the background or, as I prefer, sit down and listen to the music and think about what you just heard. Opeth is band that has so much to offer if you take the time to appreciate them and the art they create.)
Queensryche- "Q2K" (You're probably thinking, "Why are you supporting this band if you don't agree with them?" Well if it's used my money doesn't go back to the band now does it? haha It's a grungier album for them, but still Queensryche. After I listen to it a few more times I'm sure I'll get into it.)
Opeth- "Live in Concert at Royal Albert Hall" (Yes to feed my Opeth addiction I got 3 live cds and 2 dvds. I'm listening to the live recordings now and I am blown away at how crisp they sound live. Such a broad sound they capture. I'm looking forward to watching the dvds to see what they look like jammin' out.)
Phew that was a lot, from Necrophagist to Epica. I really do love all types of metal, besides black metal. Until next next time.....keep it METAL \m/