First off from Bestbuy I got the new Shadows Fall record "Fire from the Sky". It came with a bonus making of dvd and anyone who's read my other posts know how I love bonus dvds. The cd is pretty good. I think it's better than "Retribution" which was their last release. Even though I've given it one play through I can tell it's an all around dark record. Just look at the cover. For $10 it's not bad at all and if you get it at Bestbuy you get two bonus tracks and that dvd. I picked it up because I've always been a Shads fan. Their "War Within" was my first album I ever bought and it is a near perfect record, one of my all time favorites. I'll forever compare anything they put out to that cd and compared to "War Within", "Fire from the Sky" isn't as good. Keep in mind I've only given it one play through so I'm sure with time it will grow on me.
Then I saw Megadeth's "Rust in Peace live"! It was the 20th anniversary of "Rust in Peace" and Megadeth did a tour preforming it in its entirety. They played it from front to back! That's the only way I listen to it.) Being that "Rust" is in my top five albums of all time I had to pick up the dvd, plus it was only $11. I got home and watched it right away. The sound for a live recording was amazing and so was the picture quality. I can say I'm pleased with it and I'll probably watch it again sometime. The only thing that would make it a perfect performance is if Marty Friedman and Nick Menza were back in the band. Then it would be the 1990 line up all over again.
Next I stopped by F.Y.E. Whenever I go there I have a bad habit of buying anything metal out of the used bin. But this time I controlled myself and bought only 1 new cd. Yea, I actually found Exodus' "Let there be Blood". I had been searching for it and I saw it and didn't hesitate picking the cd up. I've already listened to it 4 times, it's just so riffolisious haha. And Gary Holt's guitar is extremely beefy! I really like it. It's actually a re-recording of their classic album "Bonded by Blood" (I'd like to pick that up as well.). So if you like classic thrash but would like to hear it with a modern flavor to it get this album.
I left F.Y.E. and then found a record store(if it can be called that). It's more like a little hole in the wall. It's a small store tucked away almost out of sight. The store, Threshold Audio, sells sound equipment, used cds and vinyl and a cheap price. I picked up 6 things for under $30 so I was happy. I walked in there and I saw Rush's "2112" on vinyl sitting out so I snatched that right away. I also found "A Farewell to Kings" and got that as well. I already had these on cd but I had been wanting to get some vinyl so I could look at the art work and so I could just say, "I own vinyl." haha. Yep these are my first records and it's not a bad way to start a collection if I say so myself.
Look at that, I didn't know that star was a light on water
You can't really see it here but the "king" is actually a puppet
As I moved away from the extensive vinyl section and towards the limited shelf of cds I found a few good ones. First I found a Deceased cd. Let it be known I know nothing about this band. It was only $5 and unopened. The sticker on the wrapper said it was "rare out of print cd" so I figured it might be worth some more moo-la someday. It's the "Fearless Undead Machines" album. I got home and checked out a little bit about the band and found out they are a death/thrash metal band. It sounds like it would be right up my alley but I still held off on opening it. I jump on ebay and Amazon to see how much that cds going for and found used copied selling for about $7. I was a little disappointed but I still haven't opened it and I probably won't....for now at least.
Continuing down the shelf I found Dream Theater's "Falling into Infinity"! It's their 97 release, the one before their hit "Scenes from a Memory". I adore DT so I had to get it plus it was only $4. How could I not pick it up? It's okay but not my favorite.
Then I saw "Rosenrot" from Rammstein. I thought I might as well get it because I liked "Sehnsucht" and I wanted to hear some more from the German industrial metal artist. I've only skimmed though it so far and I think I really have to be in the mood for that type of metal. All I'm gonna say is that it's Rammstein. I'm sure once I listen to it I'll appreciate it.
Last I got an odd ball item. Yes' 3 disc "35th Anniversary". I only knew a few songs by Yes and I primarily got it because the Dream Theater guys say that Yes influenced them in their style of playing. I wasn't expecting something like Dream Theater and I was right. It's more of a groovy prog rock band. I enjoy it for when I need some easy listening. I sure got plenty of it, 3 whole discs! I also like the name...Yes.
Now on to what I got at Divine Metal Distro. I don't use this sight that much unless I'm looking for a specific cd that you can't find in you're Bestbuy or F.Y.E. So the guy that runs it sent me an email notifying me that theirs this big sale going on a bunch of cds for $1.99 each. My eye lit up as I clicked on the link and scrolled down through the list of cds. They have just about any genre of metal you could want and I think the majority of it is Christian. I quickly selected a couple I had been thinking about and a few others I wanted to try out. I got Deliverance's "What a Joke". It has that nice old school feel to it. The production is low but on this cd I like it. Their are tracks ranging from 07 seconds to 7 minutes, I guess the it's true to the album name. The open track starts off with the band talking and someone says, "Alright, the label wants us to record another album let's get on it." I just find that stuff funny. Even the cover is amusing.
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