Monday, July 23, 2012

Purchases from 06-07-12 through 07-14-12

It's been awhile, over a month but I'm still alive and head banging as always. I've just been busy with college. work and then I lost electricity for a few days but now I'm back and ready to bring you all up to date on the stack of cds I bought.

I have so many to record that I'm just going to list the titles and not go into much detail as I do on my other posts.

Iron Maiden- Iron Maiden (Well of course I had to pick up the first Maiden just to hear what Di'anno sounds like. I have to say that I like this record better than Killers. )
Iron Maiden- Killers (Pretty good album, after all it is a Maiden cd. For those of you who haven't heard these two albums pre-Bruce, the sound is way different. I'd say it's more punky but nothing like Green Day or Pennywise.)

Iron Maiden- The Final Frontier (Listening to the two Di'anno albums then this one, their latest, it's awesome to hear how far they have come and that decades later they are still fantastic.)

Fear Factory- The Industrialist (Pretty good but I still prefer "Mechanize" over this one. Funny thing is that I couldn't find the special edition of this cd the day it came out so I got the lame normal version. A month later I found the special edition with a short story and 3 bonus tracks and I had to buy it. So now I have two copies of this cd. haha)

Kreator- Pulse at the Kapitulation DVD (I enjoy Kreator and this two dvd set was only 12 bucks so I thought what the heck why not. Plus I don't think this is something you'll find everyday at the store. It has a neat documentary of the underground metal scene around the time of the fall of the Berlin wall. It was interesting to see how Communism affected the scene and how it exploded when it fell. Just goes to show that Communism is good for nothing!)
Testament- Practice What You Preach (YES! I finally have decent Testament! It's good all the way through! FYI I already pre-ordered their "Dark Roots of Earth" coming the end of July. And yes, I pre-ordered the special edtion that comes with a dvd.)

Burn the Priest- Burn the Priest (Before Lamb of god was called Lamb of god they were called Burn the Priest. It was $5 so I wondered what it would sound like. Oh boy it's pretty bad. I'm glad it was only five bucks, but I like to collect weird stuff like that.)

Opeth- Heritage (Yes, I was fully aware that this cd was nothing like anything they ever created. I was still interested in hearing what it sounded like because I like all sorts of metal.....if you consider this metal. There are no screaming/growling vocals what-so-ever on this cd. It's very wierd and far out music if you know what I mean. I got the special edition with the making of dvd and the band talked about how they knew it was going to be something totally different but that's what they wanted to do. I have to give them thumbs up for not caring what people were going to think about this record. I guess you could consider this cd the "Black" album for Opeth in the aspect that they changed the way they sound. I enjoy it and the whole somber tone it creates. It's beautiful music I can sit down and close my eyes and get lost in.)

Opeth- Watershed (This came right before "Heritage" and it's what you'd expect from Opeth. Good clean death metal growls and heavy music.)

Transatlantic- More is Never Enough (This is Mike Portnoy's super prog group. It has a psychedelic 70 prog feel to it if you were to ask me. this 5 disc set is all live stuff from their 2010 world tour. It has 3 cd and 2 dvds. I'd say only get this if you really like progressive music. I enjoy like it but I like weird stuff like this.)

Exodus- Tempo of the Damned (So far my least favorite Exodus album. Listening to it just made me wanna take a shower if that makes any sense. The songs are not pleasant at all,  lyrical content that is. A song title is "Shroud of Urine". Mmmm boy, that sounds like a goodie for sure...not. I'd say skip it. I should have gotten Anthrax's "We've Come for You all Instead". Oh well I hope it's still there next time I go.)

Chimaria- Chimaria (Been looking for this cd for a while now, and it just so happened to be a 2 disc special limited edition. The second disc was live performances.)

For Today- Immortal (Haven't listened to this yet but I know it's going to be awesome!)

I, the Breather- Truth and Purpose (Their second release and I've only listened to it once so maybe that's why I like "These are My Sins" better.)

Get Thrashed DVD (Best $8 I've spent yet! It's a documentary on the how history of thrash Metal, from it's inception to where it is now. I love it and recommend it to every metal head out there! After Watching it I wanted to go out and buy all the thrash I could get my hands on.)
Slayer- Hell Awaits (I'm not a huge fan of them but how could I resist when it was half off. The booklet was just a piece of paper with the album cover copied on it. I guess that's what I get for always buying used. Luckily this doesn't happen often.)

Slayer- Still Reigning dvd (I know I said I'm not a big Slayer fan then I went out anf bought a Slayer cd and a dvd. I'm actually searching for a USED copy of "Reign in Blood". This dvd is the closest thing I've found so far. It's the band preforming the album from front to back.)

Testament- Live in London (This dvd has the original line up and they play all the classics)

Forbidden- Omega Wave (Spurred by the "Get Thrashed" dvd I searched for this bands first record "Forbidden Evil" because from what I heard on youtube it was pretty kickin thrash. Omega Wave however is not their first cd, nor is it their second. No, this is their 2010 release and it's pretty blah material.)

Destruction- Release from Agony (One of the German "Big 3", it's good to have some of their older stuff. Haven't really listened to it yet. I know, I'm slackin.)

Savatage- Hall of the Mountain King (Throw up the horns for this cd! It's classic 1987 HEAVY METAL all the way! Just awesome, chunky, rockin, stuff. Neat artwork too.)

Death Angel- Act 3 (Another purchase inspired by that thrash dvd. It's ok stuff, although I need to listen to it more.)

Flotsam and Jetsam- Dooms Day for the Deceiver (I got this cd and the next one because of that dvd as well. It's good high pitched vocal thrash metal.)

Flotsam and Jetsam- No Place for Disgrace (Their second release. I haven't listened to it all yet but from what I've heard so far I like it)

Now you are up to speed on everything I've purchased over the last month. I have not gotten Nile's new cd but it's on the way to my mail box along with an Epica cd as well, so look forward to me talking about those when they come in and I get the time to listen to them. Until next time..... keep it METAL \m/

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