Friday, January 11, 2013

Best of 2012

Well another year has come and gone and it's time for me to share with you my opinions of the albums I heard in 2012.  Without further a due let's get on with it! One more thing to keep in mind, I didn't really spend much time on organizing the placings of anything after the 10th place.

Solid releases of 2012

23. "Truth and Purpose" - I, the Breather
       Can't really say much about this band except I didn't listen too it much. This is their sophomore release and I think it falls short of their debut "These are My Sins". Like I said I only gave it one listen not because it was bad, just because there was nothing that drew me back to it.

22."Return to Life" - War of Ages
       What can I say, I used to really like War of Ages. In fact I have all their cds and this one is right on par with their other releases but my tastes have matured over the past years and metalcore doesn't really appeal that much to me anymore. I didn't listen to this one that much either for the same reasons as "Truth and Purpose". "Return to Life" wasn't bad it just didn't do it for me.

21. "Dingir" - Rings of Saturn
       I was debating whether or not I should add this album in the list because it's official release date is February 2013 but the band put the entire album on youtube mid 2012. Maybe I should have put this on the honorable mention list if I had one. Anyways, since its only on youtube and my internet is SUPER slow I only was able to listen to this album one when I was at someone's house who had rather fast internet. That being said I wish I could have listened to it many more times than I did. This album is so crushingly brutal sounding! I think it could fall into the grindcore genre and I usually don't like grindcore. Everything on this album is face meltingly fast! The art work is one of the best I've ever seen. I will definitely be getting this album and a shirt with the album cover plastered on the front and back.
20. "Dark Roots of Earth" -Testament
       Yes, the amazing Testament clear back here at number 20. I listened to this album many times each time hoping I'd get what everyone else was raving about but that never happened. I really wanted to like this album because I really like all their older stuff but this album just was kinda "meh" for me. I'm sure I ruffled someones jimmies with the placement of this album but oh well.

19. "Immortalia" - Sound Storm
       This is a power metal album I had to review for the awesome web site I gotta say, if you want epic music look no further. This album is solid front to back. definitely check these guys out!

18. "Clock Work Angels" -Rush
       Let's ruffle some more jimmies with the placement of this album. I love Rush, i seriously do but when I heard this album the vocals didn't even sound like Geddy to me. I know he's old now and maybe I'm just used to how he sounds on "Moving Pictures" (the latest Rush release I have besides this one). The instrumentation is right on par with Rush's previous work. The huge reason why this album isn't any high on this list is primarily my fault. I neglected to give this record that much play time as all the other amazing records that came out last year. I wasted too much time trying to like "Dark Roots of Earth" or listening to "Resolution", Lamb of god's pathetic release. Please, go check out an album done by one of the best bands of all time and don't be like me not giving it more play time.

17. "Koloss" - Meshuggah
       If this album didn't have a few really really REALLY good songs like "Do Not Look Down" or "Break Those Bones Who's Sinew Gave them Motion" this album would have been WAY further down this list. Those of you (if any) who read my 2nd blog post already know how I feel about this album. Most of the album was a pain to listen to because the vocals were so over powering and harsh. The biggest issue with this album are the vocals. I like Meshuggah for the crazy rhythm sections and this album only had a few songs that had those rhythms that really stuck out and slapped me in the face. If you aren't clear on what I mean look up "Do Not Look Down" and you'll know what I mean. That opening riff is so groovy it makes me want to get up and move. Without the aid of  songs like this "Koloss" would fall flat on its face and I'm sorry to say that because I was hoping this would be a lot better.

16. "Caligvla" - Ex Deo
       Yet another review I had to do for that web site I mentioned earlier. This is the side project from the band Kataklysm and I've never heard any of their material so I can't compare the two. This is a pretty good album with a nice full sound. What makes this album special are the little interludes in a few if the songs. The interludes are ambient sounds of battles or Roman cities. These passages add a unique flavor to this style of metal. If you're looking for heavy folk metal with harsh vocals and neat little ambient passages check this out.

15. "Frozen in Time" - Pertness
       And here's another band I reviewed. When I first hear this album I really liked it but after a few more listens it lost it's initial luster with me. The vocals remind me of Grave Digger in a way which isn't a band thing. The best thing this band has to offer are the choruses and that they are somewhat catchy. other than that it's your run of the mill power metal release.

14. "The Parallax II: The Future Sequence" - Between the Buried and Me
      Between the Buried and Me is a unique band for the type of music they play. Their style of music is like progressive metalcore, something I thought (until I heard them) did not exist. I really enjoyed their 2007 release "Colors" and therefore I compared this album to that one. If you have been reading my blog you'll already know how I feel about this record. It is good but not as good as "Colors". Definitely something to check out if you're looking for something different.

13. "Immortal" - For Today
       Something can be said for this band being so steadfast in their faith and never yielding from it. The lyrical content is no different from their past albums. The musical content is right on par with their  past releases as well and with only one listen I found this album very satisfying. It was good enough to leave that kind of imprint after only one listen so that should tell you something about this band.

12. "The New Eve" -Spheric Universe Experience
       I sure do like my other non paying job at the Metal Temple. If I didn't sign of to be a reviewer I wouldn't have found this groovy band. This is a prog band that sounds like a mix between Dream Theater, Tool, and Teramaze. This band loves to lay down a wicked riff and this album is stuffed with many different riffs. The choruses are highly remember able and nice to hum along with. The only down fall with this album are the vocals. They weren't bad I just think a better vocalist would have made this album even more enjoyable.

11. "Omerta" - Adrenaline Mob
      Let's be honest, the only reason I picked up this album was to hear Mike Portony on the drums. Ever since he left Dream Theater he's been one busy son of a gun! Mike has been doing a ton of work with former bands and starting new ones! Transatlantic, A Mob, Flying Colors, and he seems to be at the beck and call for any album Neal Morse feels the need to make, it's safe to say he's  no sluggard. But back to "Omerta". This album has members from Symphony X and Disturbed, but don't quote me on that last part. Having members from rather well known prog groups (yes I know Disturbed is not prog) in a band you'd think they'd make progressive music, however that is not the case. Instead of making amazing prog music they make more straight forward heavy metal tunes that you would find on the radio. That being said these songs being more accessible do not mean they are below par for these top notch musicians. Every song has a fresh new sound compared to the one before it. Each song rocks and is remember able. Having a simple straight forward album to play every once in a while can be like a breath of fresh air and "Omerta" is certainly a breath of fresh air. Seeing Mike Portnoy on a regular metal album just goes to show how versatile a drummer he really is. It shows that he can play extremely intricate and complex songs then turn around and play a simple metal song. This is why he is my favorite drummer.

10. "The Bivouac" - Vexillum
       Did I mention the amazing web site ? I found this band by reviewing them. This was my introduction to folk metal. I had been interested in folk metal but I never really took the time to get into the genre. Vexillum slapped me in the face and showed me what I've been missing. This album is awesome! The vocals are strong and make choruses I find stuck in my head, but I'm glad they do get stuck because they are so good! The dual guitars love to lay down an Iron Maiden like harmony and most are super catchy. What's different about this album are the ambiance at the beginning and end of every song. These few seconds of medieval town sounds or horses walking on a stony road help the songs flow together. The only draw back is the overall length of this album. I'm usually for longer albums but that is not the case here. The catchy choruses and guitar harmonies tend to get boring after so long. Other than that this album is killer!
9. "Storm Corrosion" - Storm Corrosion
      For a blog that is called "Everything METAL" you'd expect an entirely metal list of the "Best of" but that fact is I like a lot more genres than just metal. Don't worry, Metal will always be my favorite but I am very open minded when it comes to music. I love big band and jazz music as well as classical. I also enjoy listening to some rap but nothing can comes close to metal, unless it's progressive. I'm a huge YES fan and I also really like Pink Floyd so it should be easy to understand why I love Storm Corrosion. Now before you get all excited, I am fully aware that YES, Pink Floyd, and Storm Corrosion sound nothing alike. This album is like nothing I've ever heard before and that's probably why I enjoy it so much. Mikael from Opeth is a musical genius in my opinion and therefore I'll probably buy anything he creates. I'm not to familiar with the other member of this two piece, Steve Wilson of Procupine Tree, although I after hearing this piece of art I wouldn't mind checking his work out as well. If I could I would describe this music to you in mere words but I don't think that is possible. The only way to remotely come close to describing this album would be to call it obscure art. I hope you'll be curious enough to go and see just exactly what I mean when I a say "Obscure art."

8. "Requiem for the Indifferent" - Epica
       If I based this album off of best looks of the lead singer this band would be number one! Simone Simmons is by far one of the best faces in metal today. But we can't all look like her so I tried my best to keep this list based only on musical aspects. This album is epic to say the least but more progressive than some of their previous work. Usually I'm all for progy music but for some strange reason the more progressive flavor here was a bad thing for me. It's hard for me to explain why other than I just wasn't feeling it on this album. Everything else about this release is solid and quite enjoyable but the added prog elements didn't jive with me.
7. "Anti-Septic Bloodbath" - Tourniquet
      Okay, I may have gone over board with the plugs of Metal Temple but they helped me find many of the bands that made this list, and this is the last one I got from that place. This underground technical trash out fit does not get enough credit. The talent possessed here is staggering. Perhaps the only draw back are the vocals. At first they may seem annoying and rightfully so, but if the listener is willing to take the time to get used to the vocals the rest of the music and worth it. I really enjoy how technical the music gets and some of the comedic elements the three piece like to play around with. "Anti-Septic Bloodbath" is certainly worth your time of you can get past the vocals.
6. "Anhedonia" - Teramaze
      Those of you that were complaining that Wintersun took forever to put out their new album should shut their mouths. This wonderful piece of work took 14 years to come out, yes read that again, FOURTEEN YEARS! When an album takes that long to come it'll either cough and die or stand tall about all the others. Although it doesn't quite stand above all the others it comes pretty darn close. This is not an album for solo lovers at all, but all you riff lovers come hither and feast your ears. Take the riffier side of Dream Theater and multiply that by 23 and you'll get this. The drums are killer, the guitar work is annihilating but the vocals leave something to be desired. If you love technical progressive thrash like me then get this album! It's intensely groovy and 14 years of work deserves your attention.
  Here we go, top 5, the best of the best!                                                                
5. "Plains of Oblivion" - Jeff Loomis
      Ex-Nevermore guitarist is showing us that he is a strong independent guitar player that don't need a band. Well he does have a few hired hands but that's beside the point for the focus is on Jeff's face meltingly amazing fret work. I like to say that good music makes the listener feel what the musicians are feeling and Jeff Loomis does that with a guitar better than most bands can do with lyrics. When Jeff plays it seems like his sound is more than just glorious music but something concrete and tangible. This album is stuffed with solos but what do you expect from a guitarists solo album. He is a very progressively influenced guitarists and those traits are reflected in his song arrangements and playing style. If you are looking for music that is virtuoso please do yourself a favor and get this cd and his other album "Zero Order Phase".
4. "True Defiance" - Demon Hunter
      A metalcore album in the top 5?? Yes, I am a huge Demon Hunter fan and have been ever since the first album. "True Defiance" is Demon Hunter's best album in a long time. This album is fast and heavy but it has a lot of melody as well. This album is very over produced like most of the DH records but that doesn't make it any less fun to listen to. I have a blast every time I put this on to play. The only thing wrong with this is album is how short it seems. The overall length is actually pretty long but it goes by so fast you want more. I highly recommend this if you want something that is a ton of fun to listen to.
3. "The Industrialist" - Fear Factory
      Although I may not agree with everything Fear Factory preaches I do enjoy Dino's tasty riffs and those epic clean vocal passages. This was a concept album with the main focus on how corporation is destroying the importance of each person. I'm not 100% sure but I think they are talking about future corporation and how they see it ending up years from not. Apart from the story the music was pretty awesome. It remained pretty near and dear to the classic Fear Factory formula we all love. Every time I listen to this cd its front to back so I couldn't tell you which song was my favorite because they are all so good! The only thing that I was disappointed in was the fact that they used a drum machine instead of a real human. You can't really tell its a machine unless someone tells you. So the sound isn't really affected but just the idea that it is a computer and not a living breathing person making the rhythms kind of disappoints me. For a band that is saying its bad to forsake human importance maybe they should practice what they preach and find a drummer for their next album.
2. "At the Gates of Sethu" -Nile
     It's freaking Nile, what more do you need to know? Awesome technical death metal with Egyptian inspired lyrics. While most death metal bands are trying to be all brutal all the time Nile likes to have some class and have some groovy elements in their music.The song "The Gods Who Light Up the Sky at The Gates of Sethu" is incredibly groovy while still maintaining death metal like brutality. The Egyptian culture helps add a fresh twist to the genre as well. Most bands of this genre like singing about gore and violence but after a while that can get boring. Nile, I like to think, is a little bit more mature than all those other bands because they sing about brutal things but it's done a way so different than any other band. Nile is a band that stands out from the rest and "At the Gates of Sethu" is a must for any death metal fan. The Technicality is far above par and the drumming is mind blowing! George Kollias is probably one of the fastest drummer in the world. In my opinion the best death metal album ever is "Annihilation of the Wicked", Nile's 2005 release, and this record comes very close to being on the same level as that album.
Alright here we go, number 1, the very best of 2012. We've seen a lot of good this year so what could possibly top this list?? The anticipation must surely be killing you!

1. "Fire from the Sky" - Shadows Fall
     Honestly I did not think this album was going to be this good. I kind of lost faith in Shadows after "Threads of Life" and "Retribution". Their 2003 release "War Within" was the 1st metal cd I ever bought and it is still one of my all time favorite albums so my expectations for this band is extremely high. "Fire from the Sky" has re instilled my hope in Shadows Fall. There is not a bad song on this cd. Every time I put it on I listen to the entire album and it has yet to get boring for me. If I was looking for something to listen to but I wasn't sure what I wanted to hear I'd put this on and it hit the spot every single time. It was very satisfying on every play through. I cannot recommend this album enough. When it first came out I was hesitant on purchasing it and I almost put it back but I am so very glad I got it when I did. This album has just about everything a metal album needs; awesome solos, vicious riffs, and solid rhythm sections. I give this album a 9.56 out of a 10.
Well there you have it, my top releases of 2012. It was an okay year for metal but certainly no 1986 but I doubt any year will ever come close to beating that year. We saw some good and some bad. Bands regained some accountability with me and some bands fell in my opinion. I hope you enjoyed my take on this years metal. I'm looking forward to 2013 primarily because Dream Theater is in the process of making a new album. I'm kind of curious to see what Mangini will add to the band this time around since he really didn't do that much writing on "Dramatic Turn of Events".
      That's it for this time but I have a ton of new cds I got over Christmas and I can't wait to share them all with you. And There is a wee little surprise for all of you anxiously waiting for my next blog. Well it's not that big of a surprise, it just a new neat toy I got. Here's a hint, this toy enables me to get an even more obscure form of music. But you'll have to wait to find out what that is till next time. So until next time....keep it METAL \nn/

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